Racial Justice Collaborative

RSF’s Racial Justice Collaborative is a philanthropic initiative that provides diverse forms of capital to social enterprises that are owned and led by BIPOC entrepreneurs and use a stakeholder approach (supporting community, employees, customers, and the environment).

Give today

Your tax-deductible gift to the Racial Justice Collaborative Fund challenges systemic racism, bridges economic disparities, and fosters inclusive growth. Your support will fuel economic empowerment, uplift communities of color, and pave the way for a more equitable and vibrant society. Click “Donate Now!” to proceed to a secure page for processing your donation.


This form is for credit card contributions. If you’d like send a check, please make payable to RSF Social Finance and send to RSF Social Finance, PO BOX 2007, San Francisco, CA 94126.

If you’d like to make a contribution via ACH, wire or stock, please email the team at ps@rsfsocialfinance.org.