Update from RSF Social Finance
Mar 13 2020
Dear Clients and Friends,
First and foremost, we hope you and your loved ones are well. The current events are disruptive and unsettling, and we know everyone is doing what they can to make sense of what’s unfolding.
A top priority for RSF is the health and well-being of staff, clients, and our greater community. Many staff are working from home and we are fully equipped to move all staff to remote work should the need arise. We have restricted non-essential travel and moved large in-person meetings to an online format.
We ask that financial transactions be conducted online as much as possible, through wires and ACH rather than paper checks. Please visit our client portal.
We are here for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out. Our interconnectedness and the importance of community are apparent now more than ever. And more than ever, we are committed to creating a more just, regenerative, and compassionate world with all of you.
We will continue to send updates and reflections on what is emerging in the coming weeks.
In community and with much appreciation,
Jasper van Brakel
Chief Executive Officer