A Note to Our Clients and Friends

We hope you and your loved ones are well. The current events are disruptive and unsettling, and we know everyone is doing what they can to make sense of what’s unfolding.

We’ve gathered some resources that we hope will be helpful to our community below. You can also follow our social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) to learn more about specific opportunities to support and connect with the RSF community.

General Resources

RSF’s Coronavirus Page

instructions for our philanthropic, investment, and loan clients

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

up-to-date multilingual guidance and advisories, both nationally and by region

World Health Organization (WHO)

provides a variety of global resources and updates about COVID-19

Resources for Borrowers
  • Overview

    The RSF team has been reaching out to our social enterprise borrowers to find out how the crisis is affecting them and what they need. We continue to assess our community’s needs and capacity, and we are creating new opportunities for collective action. Our March 18 online Community Pricing Gathering focused on supporting borrowers, and in the coming days we’ll announce significant steps the RSF community will take to do that.

  • Searchable resource list

    RSF and more than a dozen partners have built The Resilience Compass, a tool formed in response to the COVID-19 crisis as a collaborative public service. This group of partners, led by Conveners.org, aims to help small businesses, cooperatives, and nonprofits calmly navigate uncharted waters while accelerating their road to recovery. The Resilience Compass aims to bring helpful resources and guidance from a spectrum of public, private, and local sources that can be filtered to your organization’s most pressing needs.

    Click here to access Resilience Compass.

  • RSF contacts

    If you have specific questions, please reach out to your Relationship Manager

    If you experience technical problems with our online portal, please contact us at support@rsfsocialfinance.org

    For social enterprises that have general questions, please contact Reed Mayfield at reed.mayfield@rsfsocialfinance.org

  • Small Business Administration (SBA) resources

    RSF Social Finance is watching the SBA Paycheck Protect Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) programs closely. RSF is not a SBA Lender but encourages businesses and nonprofits to review eligibility to determine if these programs can support your organization.

    We are excited to see relief funds being made available but know that the demand will be high and funds will be limited-if you plan to apply, we recommend doing so now. Due to the limited funds and potentially long time frame for approval, we recommend that organizations continue to explore other relief funding and resources.

    Please carefully review the following resources to learn more:

    Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application

    SBA Paycheck Protect Program (PPP)


How You Can Help