Loans to support community based arts organizations

RSF supports social enterprises focused on providing support to local artists with space and resources as well as organizations committed to bringing performing and visual art classes to people of all ages and backgrounds, especially underserved community members.

We seek to partner with organizations that are providing art opportunities that address the intellectual, emotional, and social needs of children and adults.

Apply for a loan from RSF

Loan options

RSF offers mortgage loans, construction loans, equipment loans, and working capital lines of credit to social enterprises that are enriching their local art community by supporting artists and art programs.


Arts organizations that are eligible for financing from RSF must be incorporated in the U.S. or Canada and committed to creating positive change. General criteria for borrowers includes:

Annual revenue of at least $750,000

Excellent history of repayment on debt

Two or more years of operating history

Ability to provide collateral (which may include pledges or guarantees)

Operating cash flow positive or can demonstrate a path to an operating cash flow surplus in 12-24 months

Needs ranging from $200,000 to $5 million

Get started

Complete our simple loan application to get the process started.

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Working with RSF

Borrowing from RSF to support your mission-driven enterprise will be a different experience as we take a relationship-based approach with all of our clients. We work exclusively with impact-focused organizations and impact investors are our capital source. Our social impact loans have supported community-based arts and artists programs across the United States.

We also know it takes more than capital to scale impact. Aside from loans, RSF’s integrated capital approach means we also provide network connections, advisory support and other forms of non-financial resources.

The Drawing Studio

The Drawing Studio is a nonprofit arts organization that inspires people of all ages and backgrounds to embrace art practice as a pathway to personal growth and healthy community. By offering affordable and free classes for youth and adults and hosting events and exhibits, The Drawing Studio builds awareness about the positive effects of creative practice. RSF provided The Drawing Studio with a mortgage loan.

Tashiro Artist Lofts

The Tashiro Kaplan Artists Lofts opened in June of 2004 to provide 50 units of affordable housing and creative space to artists and their families. Developed by Artspace Projects, Inc., and funded by public and private entities, TK Lofts is a community effort to maintain artist spaces in the historic Pioneer Square neighborhood in Seattle. The TK Lofts building also houses 28 commercial arts related entities including non-profits, individual artist work-only studios, artist exhibit co-ops, and prestigious commercial galleries.RSF provided TK Lofts with a mortgage loan.

Lending practices

RSF prioritizes lending to organizations that demonstrate broad, meaningful community benefits. We seek to partner with ventures that are committed to serving historically marginalized people of color, women, indigenous communities, and rural and low-income regions.

Loan process

Timing and steps to receive a loan

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Frequently asked questions
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Amy Bird
Senior Relationship Manager, Social Enterprise Lending