
Since 1984, RSF has identified, evaluated, supported and nurtured social enterprises in North America, matching them with the capital they need to succeed and thrive. Our collaboratives offered an opportunity for donors to join us in this work.

The collaboratives were piloted as a way to receive gift money and transform it through our unique integrated capital approach to provide enterprises with diverse forms of capital — loans, grants, and investments — along with the resources and connections they need. Today, we are no longer actively fundraising for the collaboratives, and are using the remaining balances to make loans more affordable and accessible to diverse social enterprises through our flagship Social Investment Fund.

See below to learn more about our four collaboratives.

Women’s Capital Women’s Capital

Provides diverse forms of capital to social enterprises that are: owned and led by Women; use a stakeholder approach (supporting community, employees, customers, and the environment); and are based in the U.S.

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Biodynamics Biodynamics

Provides diverse forms of capital in support of the biodynamic movement; use a stakeholder approach (supporting community, employees, customers, and the environment); and are based in the U.S.

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Food & Agriculture Food & Agriculture

Provides diverse forms of capital to create resilient food system infrastructure; use a stakeholder approach (supporting community, employees, customers, and the environment); and are based in the U.S.

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Waldorf Education Waldorf Education

Provides diverse forms of capital to support Waldorf schools committed to associative economies, place-based collaborations, and social equity in service to the individual, society, and the earth; and are based in the U.S.

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Give to RSF

Make a tax-deductible gift and help us support enterprises with the capital and resources they need.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  • What happened to the Integrated Capital Collaboratives?

    We have decided to focus the funds in various Collaboratives on directly supporting loans to diverse social enterprises through our flagship Social Investment Fund.

     The assets of the Biodynamics, Food & Agriculture, Waldorf Education and Women’s Capital collaboratives make more loans accessible to entrepreneurs who experience barriers to funding.

    By integrating these collaborative funds further into our core lending, we double down on what we know we do best: affordable loans to high-impact social enterprises.

  • Where is the Racial Justice Collaborative?

    The Racial Justice Collaborative Fund has transitioned from a Collaborative Fund administered by RSF to a Donor Advised Fund structured as a Field of Interest Fund with external advisors, as originally intended.

    You can learn about the Fund’s impact here on our website. If you’d like to contribute to the fund, you can still do so here — the only difference is that the Fund’s external advisors, not RSF, will determine where the money is granted.