Loans to support schools and educational organizations

RSF sees education as central to social transformation. We support the debt needs of a broad range of innovative organizations that are reimagining learning as a dynamic, ongoing process through which the potential of all people can be more fully realized. Our portfolio includes place-based community schools, providers of digital tools and resources, and those addressing educational equity.

Apply for a loan from RSF

Loan options

From commercial real estate loans to pay for construction of new schools to equipment loans and working capital lines of credit, RSF offers a variety of loan options to support education sector social enterprises, place-based schools, and other education providers focused on access and equity.

Get started

Complete our simple loan application to get the process started.

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Schools and educational institutions that are eligible for financing from RSF must be incorporated in the U.S. or Canada and committed to creating positive change. General criteria for borrowers includes:

Annual revenue of at least $750,000

Excellent history of repayment on debt

Two or more years of operating history

Ability to provide collateral (which may include pledges or guarantees)

Operating cash flow positive or can demonstrate a path to an operating cash flow surplus in 12-24 months

Needs ranging from $200,000 to $5 million

Working with RSF

Borrowing from RSF will be a different experience as we take a relationship-based approach with all of our clients. We work exclusively with impact-focused organizations and impact investors are our capital source. RSF has supported schools and community-focused education enterprises for over 37 years.

We also know it takes more than capital to scale impact. Aside from loans, RSF’s integrated capital approach means we also provide network connections, advisory support and other forms of non-financial resources.

Sunfield Waldorf School

Sunfield Farm & Waldorf School’s mission is to provide programs in education and sustainable land stewardship that engage the hands, awaken the mind, and nurture connections between the earth and its inhabitants. Sunfield is located on 81 acres held under a conservation easement on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Land stewardship is integral to the curriculum and the fields, forest, and wetlands serve as a community resource for the surrounding area. RSF provided Sunfield with a mortgage loan to fund building and classroom renovations.

Urban Teachers

Urban Teachers strives to reduce frequent teacher turnover, which negatively impacts both schools and children. Its comprehensive training programs are designed to improve the educational and life outcomes of children in urban schools by preparing culturally competent, effective career teachers who accelerate student achievement and disrupt systems of racial and socioeconomic inequity. RSF has been supporting Urban Teachers with a line of credit since 2016.

Lending practices

RSF prioritizes lending to organizations that demonstrate broad, meaningful community benefits. We seek to partner with ventures that are committed to serving historically marginalized people of color, women, indigenous communities, and rural and low-income regions.

Loan process

Timing and steps to receive a loan

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Amy Bird
Senior Relationship Manager, Social Enterprise Lending